The story begins when the first settlers arrived in the valley in the 1630s. Initially, a type of tobacco leaf called Shoestring was grown, which was later replaced by broadleaf tobacco, the variety that dominated the industry. The demand for this tobacco was so high that during the Civil War, the quality of Connecticut tobacco was praised in all regions of the United States.
The use of Connecticut Valley tobacco as a cigar wrapper leaf began in the 1820s. Farmers in the area grew tobacco for the two outer layers of cigars, the binder and wrapper. This smooth, good looking leaf produced a high percentage of quality cigar wrappers.
NB Prestige Cigars keeps that American cigar tradition alive. We are sure that when you try one of our cigars you will find that ancestral spirit that has been part of the history of cigars for decades.
We invite you to be part of this American story with every breath of your cigar and to remember your most precious memories as they reappear in the smoke of this cigar.