OPEN HOURS: 09:00 am - 07:00 pm
 address : 5030 Broadway Suite 811, NY 10034
OPEN HOURS: 09:00 am - 07:00 pm
Address: 5030 Broadway Suite 811, NY 10034

About Us


We bring the Spirit of the Dominican Republic in each of our cigars

NB Prestige Cigarsproduces some of the most sought after handcrafted cigars that set the standard for quality and flavor around the world. Our tobaccos are well aged and have complex flavors that offer cigar enthusiasts a rich and satisfying smoking experience.

  • New York
    We have brought the best Dominican cigars for you to enjoy
  • Dominican Republic
    The Dominican spirit manifested in Cigars of the highest quality

About NB Prestige Cigars

Welcome to NB Prestige Cigars, where tradition meets sophistication. With roots firmly planted in the rich soils of the Dominican Republic and a thriving presence in the heart of New York, we pride ourselves on crafting some of the best handcrafted cigars in the world.

Our Legacy

Founded on the principles of quality and craftsmanship, NB Prestige Cigars controls every step of the cigar-making process. Our journey begins at our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, where we meticulously select the finest tobacco leaves. From there, our expert artisans craft each cigar by hand, making sure every detail is perfect.

Craftsmanship and Quality

At NB Prestige Cigars, we believe that excellence is achieved through dedication and attention to detail. Our cigars are a testament to this philosophy, combining traditional techniques with modern innovations. Each cigar goes through a rigorous aging process, allowing the flavors to mature and develop complexity. The result is a collection of cigars that offer a rich and satisfying smoking experience.

Our Commitment

We are committed to providing our customers with an unparalleled experience. Our cigars are not just products; They are a labor of love, a symbol of our dedication to the art of cigar making. Whether you are a seasoned aficionado or a newcomer to the world of cigars, we invite you to discover the elegance and sophistication of NB Prestige Cigars.

Our Presence in New York

Our presence in New York City, a global center of culture and refinement, allows us to bring our Dominican craftsmanship to a demanding international audience. From our headquarters in the heart of the city, we continue to innovate and push the boundaries of cigar manufacturing, always striving to set new standards of quality and flavor.

Thank you for choosing NB Prestige Cigars. We are honored to be a part of your journey into the world of cigars and look forward to providing you with exceptional products and service.

Choose your favorite cigar and enjoy it to the fullest


Live this incredible experience and call NOW!